trading store

DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)

This entry may contain outdated or offensive information, terms, and examples.

1 Fur Trade

the room in a trading post (def. 1) where the actual bartering takes place.


This is the trading-store. It is always recognisable, if natives are in the neighbourhood, by the bevy of red men that cluster round it, awaiting the coming of the store-keeper or the trader. . . .
Save for such innovations as the radio and the outboard motor and a grater variety of merchandise in the two trading stores, the people live much the same life as they have done for generations.

a store operated by a private merchant who engages in a certain amount of barter, usually in a frontier community.

See: trading post(def. 2)


A small single-storied dwelling made of hewn logs, little better than the rude farm-house of a Canadian backwoodsman, a trading-store as plain as the dwelling, a smoke-house for curing and storing fish and meat, and a stable constitute the whole establishment.
The settlement boasts two churches, two mission schools, and two trading stores. . . .